Buy or sell
digital currency quickly

Мы проводим AML-проверку средств клиентов для предотвращения нарушений закона. Если в вашей транзакции будут обнаружены нарушения, обменный пункт будет вынужден приостановить обменную операцию, до проведения полной проверки. Возврат средств будет осуществлен после проверки. Подробная информация об условиях обмена и количестве подтверждений транзакции сетью находится на странице Правила сайта.

Вы продаете
Обмен по курсу
1 USDT = 90.3762 SBERRUB
Курс фиксируется
Вы Получаете
Enter your details

    Beneficiary's full name:
    Phone number:
    We use AML verification of our customers’ funds to prevent violations of law. If we find that your transaction is non-compliant, the exchange desk will have to suspend the exchange operation until full verification is completed. Money will be refunded after the verification. For more details about the terms of exchange and number of transaction validations by the network please go to the Rules of Use page.

    We help you to withdraw, sale and buy digital currency with rubles

    UniScope is your financial assistant designed to facilitate international transfers of digital currencies and fiat money all over the world. Since 2018, our team has been combining security, privacy and quality of service in a single service.

    We have established an easy to use and understand platform with a minimum of steps to complete and reasonable fees so that it can be used by anyone. It is our policy to process a transaction and provide payment within 3 hours from hand to hand in two offices at the same time.

    How to exchange currency
    Go to “Buy or sell digital currency” page and choose the type of currency for your transaction and a method for receiving and sending assets (in cash, with cashless fiat money or digital currency). Then the calculator will compute the exchange rate and fees and you will be able to submit your request for the transaction by pressing the Submit Request button. Our manager will immediately contact you to find out details.
    Currency pairs for exchange
    We work with both fiat currencies (USD, EUR, RUB and other local currencies) and digital currencies. Every transaction is checked by our security team.
    Fees and exchange rates
    You will always find current and fixed exchange rates on our platform. You can contact your personal manager to ask any question on the final amount by continuing the dialogue or creating a new request.
    User support
    Our support team and your personal manager are always there to discuss any question immediately after they receive a request for buying, selling or withdrawal of digital currency.
    Transparency for all parties
    Both parties to a transaction can be at our offices to discuss and conduct it. Your personal manager will agree on win-win terms with each party at the same time.
    Secure transactions
    We only deal with legal digital currencies that are used lawfully. All transactions are subject to checks by the AML (Anti-Money Laundering) system and the KYC (Know Your Customer) procedure. Therefore your assets are securely protected. We are always in touch to tell you everything about transactions of withdrawing digital currencies and to show that transactions are legally sound.