Arranging for quick and secure international payments without SWIFT and SEPA transfers.

We will help you make a transfer to Asia, MENA, Europe, Africa today

Who the service is for

Business owners
Real estate agents and agencies
iGaming and IT
Outsourcing companies

Why UniScope is a reliable and safe financial partner for you

Limitless payments abroad
We know how to make an international bank transfer in foreign currency in the today’s economic environment.Our managers consider our assistance with your transaction as completed only after both parties have confirmed that money has been sent and received. They will advise you on valid methods to transfer money quickly to any destination in the world.
100-percent performance guarantee
We work with the customer to find out all the necessary information and explain to them transaction steps depending on the request, making the entire process quick and clear. We also provide full legal support and take care of communications with all the parties to your transaction when making transfers in US dollars or local currency without using SWIFT.
High speed of service
While it usually takes one week to transfer rubles or US dollars via SWIFT, with the system we have built and our customers use it will take on average three hours from the transaction start to the notification of payment completion. This enables you to be quick and make a transfer today from any place in the world without using SWIFT or SEPA.
Legal transparency and compliance
Lack of an account with a foreign bank or a protracted search for an intermediary may hinder the conclusion of a transaction with a foreign buyer. Buying major goods and international money transfers become safer when supported by professionals. Thanks to support from our experienced lawyers we ensure security and transparency of every transaction.
KYC and AML for safe transactions
We make sure that payment for any goods uses clean funds of legitimate origin. Through this, the assets we use are securely protected and transfers from Russia and other regions are safe for each of the parties to your transaction (where there is an account with a European bank).

Our service geography


Have any questions left? Let’s talk!

Use our form to leave a request. We will contact you soon and advise you on all matters of interest to you.

You can get help with a transfer to or from Russia using an alternative method by sending a direct request to UniScope.Once your message is received, we will immediately request for necessary documents for a faster progress. After that, we will provide assistance with your transaction and wait until it is confirmed by the other party. Thanks to our support, international money transfers to and from Russia take on average three hours only. Write to us now and we will solve your problem today.


What international transfers can be made from Russia?

Neither transfers via VISA or MasterCard, nor SWIFT and SEPA payments work for direct transactions from Russia. The existing services do not always guarantee a high speed of transaction procession at affordable fees. We provide assistance with transfers without restrictions for each party, taking into account the current economic circumstances and the policy of a particular bank.

How quickly can I get an international transfer to my Russian bank card?

With UniScope’s support, a transfer takes on average three hours. Our operator will inform you of the timing of your transaction and will keep you updated on its status. Any further questions regarding payment to Russia without using SWIFT transfers will be answered to the fullest by our support team.

What is necessary for international transfers apart from a Russian and foreign account?

You don’t need to have a foreign account — we will arrange for an international bank transfer to almost any country through our own partners. Our support team and manager are always there to help you with collecting all the documents necessary for a safe transfer.

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